Anonymous Wants to Ruin Your State of the Union Livestream

Rafiq Maqbool/AP

The do-gooder hacking collective wants to black out the speech for several reasons.

Another big, bad Anonymous hack is knocking on cyber doorsteps — and freaking out Washington: The do-gooder hacking collective plans to target cord cutters and anyone using the Internet to watch the State of the Union address online, blacking out President Obama's speech for the causes of Aaron Swartz, the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Information Act (CISPA), and more. "There will be no State of the Union Address on the web tonight. For freedom, for Aaron Swartz, for the Internet, and of course, for the lulz," reads a message posted on the Anonymous media channel today.

But can the world's most notorious news hackers bring down the world's biggest news sites, and even the White House's "enhanced" live stream? There are reports that Anonymous hacked the Federal Reserve's internal files and servers during the Super Bowl, which the FBI is investigating, according to ZDNet. So, yeah, they can get to D.C. — and it isn't the group's first digital government intrusion.

Anonymous says tonight's hack will be continued revenge for hacking legend Aaron Swartz's prosecution, as well as big way to show the open web's displeasure for a potential executive order that would reinstate some of the elements of CISPA, which Congress is bringing back and which Obama could bolster with an executive action on cybersecurity. 

Read more at The Atlantic Wire.