Military told to be cautious on commercial social media sites

Reported new policy comes after a recent hack showed the potential vulnerabilities in sites with user-generated content.

After hackers exposed personal information on military subscribers of an online dating site, the Defense Department is telling military personnel to not use their military information on commercial social media sites, reports Kevin McCaney at GCN. Citing other reports, McCaney writes that DOD will soon issue a new policy directing military personnel to not use their military addresses, phone numbers and other official information when signing up on commercial social networking sites.

"DOD has gone back and forth over social media in recent years, trying to balance the benefits of social networking with security concerns," McCaney writes. "The new policy comes on the heels of a hack that showed the vulnerabilities in some social media sites and raised questions about whether government employees should connect to them from work computers."

Read McCaney's full article here.