It’s not too early to sign up for Telework Week 2013

Last year, program officials estimate 71,000 participants saved collectively $5.6 million in commuting costs.

Yesterday marked the two-year anniversary of the signing of the 2010 Telework Enhancement Act.

Telework Exchange announced Monday that it has launched Telework Week 2013, a global initiative that encourages federal agencies and state and local governments to pledge to telework from March 4-8. The week-long event enables agencies to test their telework practices and the progress of telework initiatives.

The 2012 Telework Week had more than 71,000 pledges, saving collectively $5.6 million in commuting costs, program officials estimate.  In addition, 71 percent of organizations participating in this year’s event reported increased productivity as a result of telework, versus 60 percent in 2011.

Employees pledging to telework also can calculate their cost savings and access additional telework-related resources. This year, Telework Exchange also added a new Telework Week countdown for agencies to use to help spread the word among employees. 

To make your 2013 Telework Week pledge, click here.