More on Rotational Assignments

The House Armed Services Committee <a href="">passed legislation</a> on Tuesday that would authorize the Defense Department to enter into agreements with the private sector to arrange for the temporary assignment of Defense IT professionals to private sector jobs, or for private sector IT professionals to be assigned to Defense organizations.

The House Armed Services Committee passed legislation on Tuesday that would authorize the Defense Department to enter into agreements with the private sector to arrange for the temporary assignment of Defense IT professionals to private sector jobs, or for private sector IT professionals to be assigned to Defense organizations. The provision, which was included in the fiscal 2010 Defense authorization bill, is part of a package of provisions to reform the IT acquisition process, which has been criticized as too slow considering the frequency at which changes and upgrades of systems are needed.

I wrote a post last week about rotational assignments of cybersecurity professionals in and out of the private sector. Perhaps Defense could be the government's poster child for ushering in these reforms?