Federal CIO is Back on the Job Full Time

Federal CIO Steven VanRoekel

Federal CIO Steven VanRoekel House subcommittee on Oversight and Reform

Steven VanRoekel was filling in as the White House’s deputy director for management.

Federal Chief Information Officer Steven VanRoekel, who’s worn a second hat since May leading the Office of Management and Budget’s management team, is back to just one title today.

Beth Cobert, a senior partner at McKinsey & Co. was sworn in Monday as the OMB’s deputy director for management after being confirmed by the Senate on Wednesday.

VanRoekel announced his return to full-time CIO duties in a tweet Wednesday afternoon, stating "Congrats @BethCobert Just Sworn In as Dep Dir of Mgmt @ OMB. Me: 'Acting' to 'Formerly Acting' & more importantly, back to full-time US CIO!"