Video: New Ideas from New Generations


Open data provides government with an opportunity to try new ideas and renew itself.

Kyle Hall, special assistant to the city controller of Los Angeles, has some advice for young people in government: Find a leader who has a vision on how to make government work better and help him or her achieve that. 

Hall says you don't have to work in government for long before pinpointing dozens of things that can be improved.

"Ultimately, I think open data is a great vehicle, not just to engage with the outside world and make the city more transparent, but it's an opportunity -- an avenue to attack processes," Hall said. "Many are very archaic and are 30, 40, 50 years old and they've never been addressed because there's never been a reason to look at them."

Check out the video, from Socrata's Open Data TV below: 

(Image via ixpert/