In report, Twitter lists zero cases where it has removed content in response to government requests

Flickr user eldh

But requests from copyright-holders resulted in the deletion of more than 5,000 tweets.

With some four million tweets flying around Twitter every day, it's perhaps not surprising that governments and corporations would have some concern about what's going on there (not withstanding the role some have credited the service with playing in some of the biggest democratic movements of the last two years). Many of the requests may well be legitimate: close an account that's impersonating someone, hand over information for a criminal investigation, take down copyrighted content, and so on. But some may not be, and Twitter is going to have to decide whether to comply.
Today, in Twitter's newly released Transparency Report, we get our first glimpse of what this all looks like from Twitter's perspective. They've released small data-sets on three categories of requests covering the first six months of 2012: government requests for information (usually in connection with a criminal investigation), government requests for content removal (unknown), and requests from copyright-holders for the removal of infringing content. For each set, Twitter has provided a rough breakdown of its compliance rate. Twitter emphasizes that this data is not 100 percent comprehensive.

Read more at The Atlantic.