Army Woman to Get Three Stars

Army Woman to Get Three Stars

March 26, 1997

Army Woman to Get Three Stars

The Army nominated a woman to be a three-star general Tuesday for the first time ever.

Maj. Gen. Claudia J. Kennedy, a 28-year veteran and intelligence specialist, was nominated to become a lieutenant general. She is also being promoted from assistant deputy chief of staff for intelligence to deputy chief of staff for intelligence. Her nomination requires Senate confirmation.

Kennedy has served as a deputy commander at the Army Intelligence Center at Fort Huachuca, Ariz., and director of intelligence, G-2, Forces Command, at Fort McPherson, Ga. She joined the Army in 1969, serving in the Women's Army Corps at Fort McClellan, Ala.

The Army is the last of the three military services to promote a woman to such a high rank.

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