News Briefs

News Briefs

February 28, 1997

News Briefs

The following news summaries are from OPM AM, the daily newsletter of the Office of Personnel Management. OPM AM is available on OPM Mainstreet, the agency's electronic bulletin board, at 202-606-4800.

**OHREEO Jobs Quicklist -- Week of 2/24/97**
We are recruiting for the following jobs in OPM. If you are interested in obtaining a copy of the job announcement for any of these positions, please call the OHREEO Automated Employment Information line at (202)606-2974. Copies of job announcements may also be obtained via the self-service computer kiosks located in Room 1452 TRB and the Boyers Personnel Service Center (BPSC).

Position                 Location       Closes    Announcement #  


Secretary (OA), 

GS-318-5                 RIS/DC         03/17     97-029-GWW

Pers. Staff/Class Spec.,

GS-201-13                OHREEO/DC      03/10     97-075-MDR

Supvy. Pers. Staffing Spec.,

GS-212-12/13             ES/Kansas City 03/05     97-BPSC-19 

Auditor, GS-511-5/7      OIG/DC         03/10     97-076-EST

Fed. Retire. Benefits Spec.,

GS-270-9/11              RIS/DC         03/10     97-068-GWW

Supvy. Computer Spec.,

GS-334-15                OIT/DC         03/15     97-083-EST 

Employee Development Asst.(OA),

GS-203-6                 OHREEO/DC      03/01     97-033-EST

Pers. Staffing Spec.,

GS-212-12                OHREEO/DC      03/10     97-078-EST

Policy Analyst,

GS-301-14                OIG/DC         03/15     97-080-EST

Office Automation Clerk,

GS-326-3                 OHREEO/DC      03/15     97-084-EST

Auditor, GS-511-14       OIG/DC         03/15     97-079-EST

Supvy. Computer Spec.,

GS-334-15                OIT/DC         03/15     97-082-EST

Ins. Benefits Claims Examiner,

GS-990-9/11              RIS/DC         03/17     97-081-GWW

Fed. Retire. Benefits Spec.,

GS-270-11/12             RIS/DC         03/10     97-077-GWW      


THE FEDERAL DIARY--The government's downsizing effort will continue. Relocation centers can help ease the pain by providing one-stop shopping for displaced workers. "The new safety net program--run by OPM and the Labor Department--is designed to minimize red tape, give maximum help to displaced employees and standardize retraining and relocation benefits" (The Washington Post, B2).

SEXUAL HARASSMENT--"A dozen senior hospital administrators in the Department of Veterans Affairs have been demoted or pressured to leave their jobs since 1993 after being accused of sexually harassing female employees or mismanaging the facilities" (The Washington Post, A1).

VERBAL GRIDLOCK--A recent USA TODAY/CNN/Gallup Poll found growing verbal gridlock across the country: Nearly one of four consumers encountered problems in the past year because a business person or retail employee spoke poor English . . . A smattering of government agencies and businesses are providing some solutions or are about to (USA TODAY).

INS TROUBLES--"The Justice Department is considering whether to file criminal charges against senior immigration officials who received administrative penalties last week for their part in an elaborate scheme to hoodwink a congressional task force examining illegal immigration" (The Washington Post, A19).

OTHER VIEWS--FEHBP mentioned in an article on medical savings accounts (American Medical News, Chicago, IL, Feb. 10)...FEHBP a model for Medicare (Waterloo Courier, Waterloo, IA, Jan. 29; Scottsdale Progress Tribune, Scottsdale, AZ, Jan. 26).

NEXT STORY: USDA Increase Not in Cards